Conferenza | Cagliostro, Goethe, Lessing: Imposture and the Enlightenment

23 aprile 2024 13:00 - 16:00
Aula 1, Piazza Rosate 2
Dr. Kevin Hilliard, Oxford University
Persona di riferimento: 
prof.ssa Francesca Goll,
Strutture interne organizzatrici: 
Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere

Kevin Hillard is Emeritus Fellow at St Peter’s College, Oxford University. His research focuses mainly on 18th century literature and intellectual history. He also makes occasional excursions into 19th and 20th century literary studies. He is currently working on an edition of the correspondence of Jakob Mauvillon (1743-1794), literary critic and author of works on theological, historical, economic, and political matters. Hilliard has published widely on radical enlightenment, Klopstock, heterodoxy in German literature 1750-1800.

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