Classrooms, laboratories, study rooms

Our spaces

The Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures is located in Piazza Rosate 2, Bergamo. It has 23 classrooms where the activities of the various BA and Ma Degree courses take place. The classrooms include two institutional Lecture Halls, room 1 and room 3 in Via Salvecchio, 19. There are two Computer Laboratories, Lab. 5 Rosate (20 seats) and Lab. 5 Salvecchio (30 seats), in addition to two other Laboratories, Lab. 5 and Lab. 18 in Via Pignolo, 2 which are shared with the Departments of Humanities, Philosophy, Communication and Human and Social Sciences.


    This is the complete list of classrooms and laboratories available at our the Department.

    Consult the timetable portal for classroom occupancy.


    Via Salvecchio, 19

    • Classroom 1: 40 seats
    • Classroom 2: 92seats
    • Classroom 3: 60 seats
    • Classroom 4: 154 seats
    • Lab. 5: 30 seats
    • Classroom 6: 28 seats
    • Classroom 7: 38 seats
    • Classroom 8: 48 seats
    • Classroom 9: 28 seats
    • Classroom 10: 40 seats


    Piazza Rosate, 2

    • Classroom 1: 96 seats
    • Classroom 2: 119 seats
    • Classroom 3: 48 seats
    • Classroom 4: 64 seats
    • Lab. 5 seats: 20 seats
    • Meeting room 3rd floor: 30 seats
    • Room 4th floor: 20 seats


    Via Tassis, 2

    • Classroom 1 Tassis: 300 seats
    • Classroom 2 Tassis: 85 seats


    Seminar, Via Arena, 11

    • Classroom 2 B Seminar: 60 seats
    • Classroom 2 C Seminar: 30 seats


    Via Pignolo, 2

    • Lab. 5 Pignolo: 39 seats
    • Lab. 18 Pignolo: 96 seats

    The classrooms include two computer labs:

    • Lab. 5 Salvecchio: 60 seats
    • Lab. 5 Rosate: 20 seats

    Research facilities also include the Visual Media Lab (VMLab).

    For more information, please visit the labs page.

    Study rooms

    The following study rooms are also available for students enrolled in our Courses. They are all located in the Upper City, within or in close proximity to the Department's headquarters:

    • 'Bunker' classroom, Via Salvecchio,19: 118 seats
    • 'Garden' room at ground floor - Via Salvecchio, 19: 25 seats
    • Mediatheque - Via Salvecchio, 19: 19 seats
    • Study room, via Salvecchio, 4: 36 seats
    • 4th floor room - Piazza Rosate, 2: 60 seats
    • Biblioteca diocesana at the Seminar, Via Arena, 11: 35 seats (opening hours: 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 3-6 p.m.; Tuesdays and Thursdays 3-7 p.m.)
    • Study hall- Canteen building, Via S. Lorenzo, 11: 152 seats

    In the Upper City, do not forget the study and reference rooms at "Angelo Mai" Civic Library, in Piazza Vecchia.

    Other study rooms are also available, shared with students from the Departments of Letters, Philosophy, Communication and Human and Social Sciences:


    The Humanities Library is located in piazzale S. Agostino, 2